You are welcome to come celebration Latvian Independence Day with the Indianapolis Latvian Community Center! 5pm - 6pm cocktails 6pm - will begin with official speeches on Latvian Independence Later there will be Latvian dancers, singers and more! Learn more … Continue reading →
Once again it is time for our annual Christmas Bazaar! Come to the Indianapolis Latvian Community Center, December 16th, and discover a diversity of gifts and delicious food.Some of the other things you will find include: collectibles, dolls, pillows, garments, … Continue reading →
LSC pilnsapulce paredzēta sestdien, 13. aprīlī, pulksten 11:00.
Eiropas Parlamenta vēlēšanas notiks 8. jūnijā Čikāgā.
Latviešu sabiedriskais centrs aicina visus uz Jāņiem sestdien 29. jūnijā - lūdzu skatiet pievienoto info! The Latvian Community Center invites everyone to our annual Midsummer's Eve celebration on 6/29 - please see the attached info!